rent house visible from the front |
A rent house in the corner of the complex, with a very convenient location for the rest let go of feeling tired after a day of activities to attend college on campus. Located far from the crowd because of its location at the end, could make our hearts serene and peaceful.
Boarding room which consists of 3 room, front room is used to gather, learn, watch tv, movies, etc.
the front of room |
the middle of room |
Middle of the room used for sleeping and keep belongings, and the back room to cookand there are bathrooms.
Its location close to campus, only about 100 meters away that can be taken with a time of 5 minutes when walking.
The facilities available are:
- The front room
- Rooms
- Kitchenette
- Bathrooms
- Electricity
The price is also affordable, which is Rp.440.000, - / month. When occupied by 1 person/more nothing additional cost, so if we want to get a cheaper price could join with other friends.
If the night we could hear the sounds of animals in nature, like the sound of frogs,crickets, and other animal sounds that make our imagination in the nature. The air was very cool, without using a fan / ac, cold air already we can feel in here.
The surroundings are clean and tidy the room to comfort the owner.
If there are complaints, we can directly contact the the owner rent house without having to provide additional cost. All dependents of electricity and water are included inthe room rate per month.
It is quite difficult to get a rent house here because the room is limited and is always full because there were only 6 rooms, if you are interested, please directly contact the owner to book rooms in advance.
If you bring a vehicle like a car / motorcycle do not worry, because the available land tobe used as the parking of your vehicle.
clean and tidy |
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